W.I?J.A. - What IF Just Ask - is a registered trademark of Brother Brooks Vision 2 Mission LLC
Did you know that Colleges and Employers like to select and hire individuals that have done volunteer work? They believe it makes the individual more well rounded.
National Organizations with Volunteering Opportunities. Click on the name below to visit their website.
Do You Want a National Approach to Volunteer work? Check out AmeriCorps video below and visit the website by clicking on the AmeriCorps button under the video.
Visit the Community Tool Box website below the video for more information by clicking the logo
Check out our Community Involvement Pamphlet by clicking on the pamphlet below.
A Youth Community Hub
Take the What IF? Community Volunteer Assessment and then find your interest on Volunteer Match.org
Have an interest in starting your own community, charitable or non-profit organization. Most guidelines are set by your State office of the Secretary of State. You can check the listing below for the specific information for your state as well look at the other resources below to help you get started. Click the button below for more information: