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If you could make a difference in your community which area would you do it in?
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How many schools are there in the United States?

Public K-12 Schools: 98,817

Elementary: 67,086
Secondary: 24,544
Combined Elementary and Secondary: 6,137
Other K-12: 1,050

Private K-12: 33,366
Post-secondary Title IV institutions: 7,021

Degree-granting institutions: 4,599

2-year colleges: 1,729
4-year colleges: 2,870

Less than 2-year: 2,422

Total: 139,204


What is your biggest challenge in deciding what you want to do a career?
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What would you like to do after high school?
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Did you there are tools and techniques to help you achieve your dreams and goals?
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Do you have dreams and goals that you are pursuing?
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